Category Archives: Cycling

Brompton bikes for hire / Aluguel de bicicletas Brompton

(Texto em portugues no final da pagina)


Brompton Dock at Southampton Central Station

If you are a commuter and usually take the train to work, you must have seen these Brompton foldable bike docks at the train station, right? If you haven’t noticed them, perhaps you’ve seen people going to and from the stations on some funny-looking bikes?

Anyway, if you are bicycle fan like me and would like to try out one of these bikes, why not hire one for the day? The price starts at £2.50!


Bike hire dock at train station

All you have to do is register online (click here), find the nearest dock to you and book one 😉 Also, you don’t have to return the bicycle to the dock of origin. You can return it to any dock! It’s kind of similar to the Boris bikes in London (click here) but the advantage is that with these foldable ones you can take them to work, home or on the train. They don’t take up much space.

Don’t you think it’s a great way to keep fit? If you have already tried it, feel free to leave a message below as it would be great to hear about your experience 😉

Texto em Portugues:

Se voce tem que viajar de trem para ir para o trabalho, voce ja deve ter se deparado com os “docks” (deposito) de bicicletas dobraveis (Brompton), certo? Se voce ainda nao notou os docks, talvez voce ja tenha visto pessoas indo e vindo para a estacao de trem em bicicletas com uma ergonomia diferente?

Enfim, se voce tambem curte bicicletas como eu, e gostaria de testar essas bicicletas, por que nao aluga uma por um dia? Os precos sao a partir de £2.50 por dia!

O que voce precisa fazer? Cadastre-se online (clique aqui), ache o “dock” mais perto de voce e reserve uma bike 😉 Outra coisa, voce nao precisa devolver a bicicleta para o mesmo “dock” de onde a recolheu. Voce pode retorna-la para qualquer “dock” do esquema! Eh um pouco parecido com o sistema das Boris bikes de Londres (clique aqui) mas a vantagem eh que essas bicicletas (Brompton) sao dobraveis e voce pode leva-las para o trabalho, para casa ou no trem. Elas nao ocupam muito espaco.

Voce nao acha que eh uma excelente maneira de se manter em forma? Se voce ja experimentou, fique a vontade para deixar uma mensagem abaixo contando sua experiencia 😉






Cycling in the New Forest: Burley

(Portuguese version at the end of the page)


Today I decided to cycle to a village called Burley which is 9 miles from where I live.

The ride through the forest is quite pleasant and most cars respect cyclists.


road to Burley

Burley is a tiny village with lots of little shops and one cycle hire. So why not hop on a bus (or even drive there) and explore Burley and its surroundings by bicycle? It’s a great way to get some fresh air and to keep fit.


Cycling is rather popular in Burley


New Forest ponies



Burley is famous for being a “witches’ retreat” and many shops are witch-themed. The Queen’s Head pub was built in the 16th century and was notorious for smugglers (photo below).

11119658_10207086721144375_4585923220870081575_o  Burley is easily located in the heart of the New Forest, with great access from the A31 and A35. If you are using Sat Nav set your destination as BH24 4AB to head for the village centre.


Thanx for reading 😉

Texto em portugues:

Hoje eu resolvi pedalar ate o vilarejo de Burley que fica 9 milhas de onde moro (aprox. 15km).

O trajeto pela floresta eh bastante agradavel e a maioria dos carros respeita os ciclistas.

Burley eh um vilarejo minusculo com varias lojinhas e um cicle onde voce pode alugar uma bike. Entao que tal pegar um onibus (ou ate mesmo ir de carro) e explorar Burley e arredores de bicicleta? Eh uma otima maneira de respirar ar fresco e se exercitar.

Burley eh famosa por ser um retiro das bruxas e muitas lojinhas tem bruxaria como tema.

O pub chamado Queen’s Head foi construido no seculo 16 e era bem conhecido por ser um local de contrabando. (foto do pub acima).

Burley eh facilmente localizada no coracao da New Forest, com facil acesso pela A31 e A35.

Se usar SatNav (GPS): BH24 4AB

Esse eh o CEP (post code) que te levara ate o centro do vilarejo.

Obrigada pela visita!

Cycling to Keyhaven

I took up cycling as a hobby and I’ve been cycling nearly every day – weather allowing.

Today was not different. It was a lovely afternoon and since I had a few errands to run, why not cycle with a purpose? So, off I went. First into town which is roughly a 25-minute ride.

After doing what I had to do in town, I popped in to see a friend and have a nice cuppa.


Having a cuppa with a friend

After a little rest it was time to have fun and head to Keyhaven in Milford on sea. Keyhaven is 2,5 miles from Lymington. It’s a lovely ride towards the water (downhill wooohooo!).

IMG_20150821_181020 IMG_20150821_180723

Down Lower Pennington Lane you’ll reach a cycle path all the way to Keyhaven (see photos below).


This is where I usually stop for a quick snack


You can see the cattle and the Isle of Wight at the back


At the end of this path, on the left, there are boats moored. That’s when you know you’re in Keyhaven 😉


why not take a selfie?

As soon as you get to Keyhaven you’ll see The Gun Inn which is a very nice pit stop for a pint.

My favourite route from there is via Lymore Lane which goes all the way to Everton. It’s very rural but with a bit of sea air which is the best of both worlds in my opinion.


My lovely bike in Keyhaven.


A lovely ride along Lymore Lane


End of my route: 12 miles.

What a great way to welcome the weekend! TGIF!