Concurso de Espantalhos / Scarecrow Contest


Espantalho (substantivo): Boneco ou qualquer objeto para espantar os passaros das searas, hortas, etc. (fonte: aurelio)

Scroll down to read it in English.

Todo ano aqui no meu bairro acontece o concurso de espantalhos no verao.

O que vem a ser isso? Bom, nada mais eh do que um evento para arrecadar fundos para a comunidade local. Cada morador que quiser participar, paga uma taxa e expoe seu espantalho no quintal de sua casa em uma area que seja facilmente vista por todos os transeuntes (adoro essa palavra, transeuntes)

No meu bairro deve ter pelo menos uns 30 espantalhos espalhados. Resolvi sair de bicicleta para fotografar alguns para postar aqui.

O concurso possui um tema. Por exemplo, ano passado foi: pessoas famosas (tinha Michael Jackson, a Rainha Elizabeth, Simon Cowel entre outros).

Veja as fotos e tente descobrir o tema de 2015 rs

IMG_20150817_173128 IMG_20150817_175149 IMG_20150817_175602 IMG_20150817_175646_edit IMG_20150817_180010_edit IMG_20150817_180420_edit IMG_20150817_180455

Como voces podem ver nas fotos, cada espantalho tem um numero. As pessoas que quiserem votar, recebem um mapa com a trilha (trail) mostrando a localizacao de cada espantalho e o objetivo eh tentar identificar quem o espantalho representa  (como eu disse, ano passado tivemos o Michael Jackson e tambem o Usain Bolt, velocista) e tambem votar no mais bonito.

Existem dois tipos de premiacao:

  1. para quem tiver o espantalho mais parecido com a figura ou personalidade representada
  2. para quem tiver o maior numero de votos de espantalho mais “bonito” ou mais “bem feito”.

A premiacao acontece no festival da comunidade no ultimo fim de semana de agosto.

O mais legal disso tudo? Eh voce ir ao mercadinho do bairro, a farmacia ou salao de beleza e ouvir as pessoas comentando: “voce viu a Rainha na rua tal? quem eh aquele na rua principal? eu ja vi uns 15 e voce?”

English version:

Scarecrow (noun): an object made to resemble a human figure, set up to scare birds away from a field where crops are growing.

Every year in my neighbourhood there’s a scarecrow contest in the summer.

What does it mean? Well, it’s basically an event to raise money for the local community. Each community member who wants to take part in the scarecrow trail contest pays a small fee and displays their scarecrows in their front garden/driveway. They have to make sure the scarecrows can be seen by everyone who cycles, walks or drives by.

There are at least 30 scarecrows scattered around my neighbourhood. I decided to cycle around the neighbourhood so as to take a few photos and post them here.

The contest has a theme. For instance, last year the theme was “famous people” (There was Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, Simon Cowel among others).

Check the photos above and see if you find out the theme for 2015 😉

As you can see in the photos, each scarecrow has a number. If you want to vote, you are given a map with the scarecrow trail where you can find the exact location of each scarecrow. The voters have to try and identify who the scarecrows represent and also vote for the best one (as I mentioned before, there was a Michael Jackson and Usain Bolt, sprinter).

There are 2 types of prizes:

  1. for the most easily identified scarecrow (i.e. the closest in looks to the person/character being represented)
  2. for the best-looking or the best made scarecrow

Prizes are given at the community fete the last weekend of August.

The coolest thing about it? When you go to the local shops, the pharmacy or the hairdresser’s you overhear people commenting: “have you seen the Queen on such and such street? Who’s that one on the main street? I’ve seen 15 and you?”

About claudiarant

Brazilian-born, British citizen and married to a Brit. I moved to the UK in 2011 and I decided to share my experiences, curiosities, challenges here so I hope you enjoy your reading. I'm an Industrial Designer a Language Teacher and a keen cyclist ;) Nascida no Brasil, cidada Britanica e marido britanico. Me mudei para o Reino Unido em 2011 e decidi compartilhar aqui minhas experiencias, curiosidades e desafios entao espero que curtam a leitura. Sou desenhista industrial e professora de idiomas (Ingles e Portugues para estrangeiros) e ciclismo eh minha nova paixao. View all posts by claudiarant

2 responses to “Concurso de Espantalhos / Scarecrow Contest

  • Barbara Tabiner

    Hello Claudia,
    I am doing a scarecrow exhibit at the Lubenham Scarecrow festival 2016. The theme is `Rio’ and I came across your site while researching all things `Rio’ to see how I can integrate it with my `Peace’ scarecrow, which I do on alternate years.
    Glad you are absorbing the English culture.
    Ever watched `Worzel Gummage’ it was a series on the telly about a group of scarecrows. Bet you will be able to find it on YouTube.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

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