Category Archives: Palacios

Imperial Museum of Brazil / Museu Imperial do Brasil

(Versao em Portugues no final da pagina)


Imperial Museum

The Imperial Museum of Brazil is situated in the historic city of Petropolis in Rio de Janeiro state. It was built in 1845 and it’s where the royal family (D. Pedro II) used to spend their summer holidays.


Imperial family

If you visit Rio de Janeiro, why not go up the mountains and visit the museum? It’s a short bus ride (less than 1 hour) away.


Wearing slippers / usando as pantufas

Once you get your tickets, you are asked to wear slippers (pantufas) but there’s no need to take your shoes off. It’s fun to slide away inside the museum. If you have bags or rucksacks you’re also asked to store them away in the lockers provided. Cameras are not allowed inside the museum. However, when you get to the chariots palace in an outside building, photographs are allowed.


Leopoldina Train

For further information on the museum, check their website – it’s all in Portuguese, though.

Versao em Portugues:


O Museu Imperial do Brasil esta localizado na historica cidade de Petropolis, no Rio de Janeiro. Foi construido em 1845 e eh onde a familia real (D. Pedro II) costumava passar as ferias de verao.

Se voce visitar o Rio de Janeiro, por que nao aproveita para subir a serra e visitar o museu? A viagem de onibus eh bem curtinha (menos de 1 hora).

Assim que voce compra os ingressos, eles pedem pra voce calcar pantufas mas nao precisa tirar os sapatos. Eh bem divertido patinar pelos corredores do museu. Se voce tiver bolsas ou mochilas, eles pedem que voce as guarde no guarda-volumes que ficam dentro do museu. Nao eh permitido tirar fotos dentro do museu mas no predio anexo, onde ficam as carruagens, fotos sao permitidas.

Para mais informacoes sobre o museu, visite o website – esta todo em Portugues.


The Museum’s beautiful garden




Kingston Lacy


(Versao em Portugues no final da pagina)

If you’re ever in Dorset I suggest a visit to Kingston Lacy. It’s a country house and estate owned by the National Trust in Wimborne Minster. The National Trust is a conservation organisation.

The house was built to resemble an Italian Palace in 1663. It was completed 2 years later.


Philae obelisk


The  Philae Obelisk that can be seen in the pictures and video (sorry, it’s in Portuguese again! worth watching nevertheless) was found in Egypt and then acquired by William John Bankes, who used to own Kingston Lacy. There are 2 inscriptions on it and one of them is believed to be Ptolemy and Cleopatra in hieroglyphic characters.

It’s said that it would have taken 7 years to transport the obelisk to Kingston Lacy. Nineteen horses were needed to raise it upright.

The Duke of Wellington laid the foundation stone in 1827.


The house decorated for Christmas

Kingston Lacy, back door

Kingston Lacy, back door


Apart from the house itself, it’s worth going for a walk around the property and why not enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate at the tea room afterwards?


Lots to see on a lovely walk around the garden

KL05 KL06

Kingston Lacy:

Wimborne Minster,


BH21 4EA

Portuguese Version:

Se voce estiver pelas redondezas de Dorset, eu sugiro uma visita a Kingston Lacy que eh uma country house (“casa do campo ou palacio rural”) e estate (propriedade) que pertence ao National Trust (orgao resposavel por conservar patrimonios historicos, tipo o IPHAN).

A casa foi construida com caracteristicas de um palacio italiano em 1663 e a obra foi concluida 2 anos depois.

O obelisco Philae, que pode ser visto nas fotos e video (no texto em ingles acima), foi encontrado no Egito e entao adquirido por William John Bankes que era o dono de Kingston Lacy na epoca. O obelisco possui duas inscricoes e numa delas esta escrito Pitolomeu e Cleopatra em hieroglifos.

Acredita-se que para transportar o obelisco ate Kingston Lacy levou 7 anos e dezenove cavalos foram necessarios para ergue-lo.

A base do obelisco foi colocada pelo Duque de Wellington em 1827.

Alem da casa, vale a pena tambem fazer uma caminhada ao redor da propriedade e para finalizar, porque nao se deliciar com uma caneca de chocolate quente?

PS – fotos e video podem ser apreciados no texto em ingles 😉